…there are several things … but certainly not a fish. Although once, when I was traveling in Milos island in summertime, I discovered how nicely the taste a fresh “petropsaro” (The name given for any kind of fish living in the reef) matches with the uniquely aromatic sage of the island. Here is the recipe, as Antonis Mavroyiannis, from the tavern “Armenaki” at Pollonia, recited to me (… as far as I can remember this since we had drunk lots of some very cool wine that particular afternoon…).
“We need a big scorpion(a very tasty petropsaro) fish weighting around a pound, 3-4 medium – size potatoes, salt, pepper, lemon juice, capers and enough virgin olive oil. After we clean thoroughly the fish we put it in a pan in which we spread all the potatoes, after having them cut into rings. We pour olive oil- as much as we want -(But, no too much ehh…be careful),add the juice of half a lemon and some pepper. Place in preheated oven for about 20 minutes. Remove the pan and add half a cup of tea sage leaves (fresh or dry) and put it in the oven again for 10 minutes. Sage should not stay longer because it makes the food to taste bitter. Finally, we serve our “saged petropsaro” with a fresh green salad and chilled white wine.”
Ideally, we enjoy this rare dish by the sea, under the shade of thick “salty” trees. (Almirikia in Greek)
Good appetite (now that I am thinking about it, I should probably go back to Milos island as soon as possible).
Where am I?
Pollonia was once a tranquil little fishing village with a quiet harbor from where you crossed over by a small boat to the nearby island of Kimolos. Today is a well-developed village, but it retains the image of the peaceful village and the wonderful beach with the so many “salty” trees (almirikia) is still extremely enjoyable. Pollonia is located about 10 km from Adamas, the main port of the island of Milos.
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